Customer journey mapping is the strategic approach of defining a target audience, understanding their needs and environment, and then creating a plan to deliver engaging content that drives them through the customer funnel from awareness to purchase and beyond. At Pace, we don’t believe the customer journey stops at the point of purchase or conversion. We look at it as more of an infinity symbol than the traditional upside-down pyramid.

Pace has used its journey mapping solutions to drive business growth for a variety of organizations.

Stages to Consider for Customer Journey Maps

  • Awareness
  • Education
  • Needs Recognition
  • Research
  • Qualification
  • Evaluation
  • Decision
  • Purchase
  • Adoption
  • Loyalty
  • Retention
  • Advocacy

How Pace Approaches Customer Journey Planning

We approach each customer journey map as a unique challenge to overcome. Every company is different, and so are their customers. The first step is to complete a discovery phase to better understand you, your industry and your customers. From there, we begin to build out the remaining stages of the journey and map existing content to each stage. Finally, we fill in the remaining gaps of the customer journey map by recommending content and execution tactics for each incomplete stage.

Services Offered

  • Customer journey mapping
  • Tool recommendations
  • B2B, B2C and B2E customer journeys
  • Content audit and analysis to identify gaps in the customer journey
  • Custom recommendations for company- and industry-specific journeys

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